Transforming Homes into

Peaceful, Organized Spaces

Organizing and Moving Support

in Surrey, Langley and beyond


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Professional Organizer for People Ready for Change

Would you like your home to be more organized and free of clutter? Or are you planning to sell your home and need to get it ready? Is it time to let go of things that were right for you ten years ago, but aren’t a fit for who you are now, or who you are becoming? Transforming your space can help with other transitions, including having a baby, moving, divorcing, mourning the death of a loved one, changing careers, retiring, and healing from physical conditions and emotional trauma.

Are you procrastinating or postponing dealing with piles of things or papers, packed cupboards, and boxes in storage with unknown contents? Does it feel stressful when you look at things around your home that you “should” do but haven’t? It’s time to ask for help to transform your home to a peaceful environment.

Why use a Professional Organizer?

  • It’s faster and easier to sort through your things with someone who isn’t emotionally involved or pushy.
  • I can help you tackle things that are really difficult, including making decisions on separating belongings due to a divorce or after the passing of a family member
  • I can look at your home with the perspective of an outsider and see things that you no longer notice.
  • I will use my creativity and intuition to store your things in a way that works better for you (container and shelving purchase is optional).
  • I am experienced at selling, donating and recycling many types of things and will take away all donations and recycling that fits in my vehicle at the end of each session. I am a green organizer – minimizing what goes into the garbage and to the dump.
  • Homes sell faster and look bigger if there is no clutter and minimal stuff.
  • Letting go of things that are part of your past but no longer used can help you move into a new, happier future.

Incorporating the Emotion Code

I have had training in life coaching and the Emotion Code and Body Code by Dr. Brad Nelson. Since becoming certified in the Emotion Code and Body Code I have included mini Emotion Code sessions with each organizing session. I use this tool to decrease anxiety, indecision, worry, and to remove non-beneficial cords between my clients and their things. To learn more, visit my other website Reach Your Potential or Dr. Brad’s website Discover Healing.


“From the moment you start tidying, you will be compelled to reset your life. As a result, your life will start to change. Tidying is just a tool, not the final destination. The true goal should be to establish the lifestyle you want most once your house has been put in order.”

– Marie Kondo

Want an Organized Home?

I will help you with one closet, a couple rooms, or your whole house:

  • sorting through things in your home and deciding what to keep
  • creating an organized kitchen, master bedroom closet, playroom, garage, kid’s room, living room, home office, craft room, storage
  • purchasing containers or shelves and installing them
  • adding labels to help everyone know where things belong
  • creating file folders and organizing your papers within the files (both physical and electronic)
  • selling or donating things that you are ready to let go of


Need Help Moving?

I will help you with any or all of these:

  • decluttering and de-personalizing your home so that it looks more spacious and appeals to more potential buyers
  • suggesting resources for minor upgrades to your home and decor that will help it sell more easily
  • coaching you through the emotionally difficult downsizing process
  • purging while you pack so you don’t pay to move things you don’t love
  • selling or donating furniture that doesn’t suit your new home
  • conducting or supervising large-scale estate sales
  • sorting patiently and without judgement with those who hoard stuff or who have large collections that won’t fit in the new home
  • packing your belongings
  • setting up your new home with drawer and closet organizers
  • unpacking your home and setting it up so that it is organized

My name is Brenda Kerr.

I was raised by a Mom that taught me that everything has a place and everything should go back in its place once I was finished using it. My home is not perfect and sometimes has the clutter from projects that I have started, but I have designated locations for everything and system for tidying things up quickly. I love helping people make the changes they have been thinking about or talking about, but either don’t know where to begin or are procrastinating on.

I combine my varied training (Business Degree from UBC, coaching training from the school founded by the first life coach, and many courses in emotional, energy and spiritual techniques) with experience of moving twice in the past five years, and my skills of deep listening, empathy, intuition and logical reasoning.

I have learned through books and videos from Marie Kondo (The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up), Keri Richardson (What is Your Clutter Trying to Tell You?), Peter Walsh (Clean Sweep), and many others.

Learn more about me

Contact me to discuss what you need and how I might be able to help, or to book a free consultation.


“What I know for sure is that when you declutter – whether it’s on your home, your head, or your heart – it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.”
Peter Walsh

Decluttered Bathroom

Decluttered Bathroom

This is the main bathroom in the house and is used by four adults plus visitors. My client has ADHD and is visually-oriented, so she likes to have the things on the counter that she uses daily so that she can see them. We threw away things that were expired or...

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Organized Junk Drawers

Organized Junk Drawers

Junk drawers often look messy because they contain miscellaneous items like pens, bandaids, batteries, etc. These bamboo drawer organizers from Costco help contain different items in their own spot so that you can find what you are looking for.This lazy susan had been...

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